Top 9 Reasons Why Computer Games Are Still Popular Among Gamers


Modern-day consoles and our mobiles offer a cool gaming experience. You can simply plunge in the gaming world and feel that you’re within the game. But still, people are inclined towards playing Computer games. Do you know why?

Why Computer Games Are Still Popular:-


1. Better Customization:

If you buy high-end mobile devices and consoles, you can get great specifications. But what if you want to further improve the performance? Is it possible? In most cases, no. You can buy a new device with more features, which will definitely cost you more.


However, PCs offer cool customization. If you’re tired of playing Grand Theft Auto/GTA San Andreas on your PC, you can still play GTA5 on the same PC. With some modifications, of course. A computer offers lots of customization. You can add a graphics card, SSD or even upgrade the processor. It’ll help you customize the system as you like.

2. Maximum Games to Play:

Computer games come in bulk. You can play thousands of games on mobiles and consoles. However, PC games are a step ahead. You can find online stores such as Steam, Epic Game Stores that specifically produce PC games. And sometimes you can even play console or mobile games on your PC.

 For playing console games on a PC, you can use an emulator. And to play mobile games, you can install blue stacks on your PC. It’s the reason why there are tons of games to play. And gamers these days love variety.


3. Better Investment in the long run:

You may think building a custom PC is way costlier than a console or mobile. You’re right, partially, though. If you play console games today, you won’t be able to do that with the same machine after ten years. The same is the case with mobile games.


However, if you invest good money in your PC, you can enjoy games for way longer than a decade. It’s because customization is so easy on a PC. It means even the latest PC games will be playable in your ten-year-old rig. And this is what makes computer games popular among gamers. 

 4. Competitive Risk

Games like League of Legends, Fortnite, and Rainbow 6: Siege are games that require some level of skill to do well. You can play safe or risky. There is excitement and some danger, not real danger, but virtual danger the riskier you play. The risk is you could lose the game or match, resulting in a loss of your rank.


Quest Risk

There are in-game risks from story driven or character driven games like the Witcher and Fallout. You have something similar to a morality tracker. How you interact with the townspeople or in-game characters determines if they will be kind or hostile. If you are kind and do positive actions, you will get rewards. If you are a jerk, there are consequences.


6. Social Risk

Many video games are played with others. There is risk involved in how you play and interact with others in real time. Games that allow you to play in an open world like World of Warcraft allows you to interact with others in real time and there is risk in how you socialize. You could randomly hit someone in-game for no reason and it could have a bad consequence. Or you could befriend others.

7. A Safe Place to Fail

Video games also allow you a safe place to fail. You can safely take as many risks as you want. If you die while trying to beat a boss, you simply start over. If you don’t win the competitive match, you play another one. If you have a poor interaction with another gamer, you can talk with someone else. Gamers have a much safer place to fail online than in the physical world.


8. Failing is good!

 It’s healthy to learn how to fail well. We can fail and give up or we can learn from our mistakes and improve. Failure is part of our human experience. If we don’t learn some level of resiliency or ways to start over, we will suffer. Failing and trying again in video games can be a good skill to transfer to the physical world.


9. Competition

Games like Valorant, League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and Dota 2 are all 5v5 competitive video games. Your team works together to take objectives and beat the other team. There is a lot of skill and communication involved in competitive video games.